Advantages Of Using Ceramic Lined Pipes

From generation of electric power to transportation of building materials, most operations of manufacturing and power industry involve the use of ceramic lined pipes. For transporting materials that have a hard abrasive nature, traditional steel pipes are not sufficient. Abrasion resistance capability is essential for dealing with such cases for preventing wear and tear. As compared to the conventional steel pipes used in thermal power plants and metallurgical applications, ceramic lined pipes offer far more optimal performance. 

Based on the state-of-the-art technology, ceramic lined pipes are ideal for transporting raw coal powder, ash slag, hot flue gases, etc. The economic operation of these pipes not only prevents erosion but also protects the entire system from hidden dangers. Here are a few reasons why ceramic lined pipes are preferred over other types:-
  • Anti-scaling properties
During industrial operations, the inner layer of the pipes is bound to come into contact with seawater, alkali and acidic solutions. Any reaction with the surface of the pipe can serve as a potential threat to the operation and degrade the performance standards. Ceramic lined pipes possess anti-scaling properties which allow it to last for a longer duration of time.
  • Handles high temperature 
Ceramic lined pipes can tolerate high temperatures for a long duration of time. Being composed of stable crystalline structures, they can function normally in harsh conditions without any change in its structure. Such pipes are ideal for operations where safety is of utmost importance.
  • Excellent resistance to abrasion
Ceramic lined pipes have replaced the conventional piping systems completely due to their excellent abrasion resistance tendency. Metallurgical, electric power, mining, and other industries require transportation of grinding medium and flue gases on  regular basis. In order to conduct these operations without any significant losses, it is important to ensure that the pipes have high abrasion resistance capability. Industries who opt for such alternatives have witnessed performance elevation by 10 times.

There are several businesses who supply such products at reasonable prices. Custom ceramic lined pipes are also available these days to meet the requirements of the companies involved in the manufacturing industry. Get in touch with such businesses to gather more information about ceramic lined pipes.


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